Richard McKenna Charter Schools Richard McKenna Charter Schools

Richard McKenna Charter Schools

Richard McKenna
Charter Schools

On-site High School

High School Campus

Inspired by the “real world,” our accredited, on-campus high school program helps students develop 21st century skills in a project-based learning environment. We believe that learning is more than the acquisition of facts; it’s the ability to do something constructive with those facts.

RMC is a school of choice. Students at Richard McKenna Charter High School are immersed in two classes a day every six weeks. This schedule allows students to master academic concepts in English, math, and science as they discover life-and-workplace lessons of resilience, reflection, and risk-taking.

Project-Based Learning

We pattern our on-campus program after the workplace. Here, education is our "job." Students engage in skills-rich projects and hands-on labs to learn core content skills, research, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students also learn public speaking and presentation skills as they display their knowledge in creative ways.

All student projects are modeled on real-world issues, solutions, documents, and artifacts. For example, in science, students might learn about alternative energy by creating a solar oven or experimenting with models of turbines. Or they could study weather through observation logs, installing a weather station, and creating a TV-style weather forecast. In geography, students could research and plan a dream vacation. In math and economics, they may “invest” in the stock market and learn to track their portfolio. By following current events and stock performance, students begin to recognize how our economy is tied to world events and learn to make wise trading decisions.

Upcoming Events

Volunteer Hours

We work hard to help RMC students develop character and citizenship alongside academic skills. We require all secondary grades to volunteer in our community throughout the year; we offer junior high students the opportunity to participate as well. Learn more about community volunteer needs on our Volunteer page.

Daily Schedule

Regular Schedule: 7:50 a.m.–3:40 p.m.

AM Course: 7:50–10:55 a.m.

Passing Time: 10:55–11:00 a.m.

Semester Course: 11:00 a.m.–Noon

Lunch: Noon–12:30 p.m.

PM Course: 12:30–3:40 p.m.

Lion P.R.I.D.E

We are lions! We show lion pride through:

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